
Added a colour key for compasses, also applies to big map tiles. Added a quest cap of three, and a gradient of red compasses for each new one you get. Revised […]

Fixed some bugs: scroll of wind pushing NPCs, items not going through destroy logic when stolen by beast that leaves the map, thief movement after a steal. Some problems in mount movement […]

Refactored  the minotaur cave into a full fledged labyrinth quest. Subquests include find the treasure, save the princess, and kill the minotaur. Letter quest got some remodelling. It now precalculates […]

Made a function to filter for desired positions on criteria like distance from a point, distance from origin, init status of map/plan, etc. Broke the filter logic I had in […]

A decoupled the decision of what tiles to spawn, and actually spawning them, in the area object. This allows the map to treat each tile separately, running its own reveal […]

More cleanup of variable names and other minor stuff. Wish I could write it perfectly the first time. Introduced a new creature stat, vision, which allows them to see hidden […]