
Feature Rollout, Business Ramp-Up

Hi! There is a ton of stuff going on. Development on the game continues, and I’m starting to seriously look into the business side of things! First off I may […]

Back from EGLX, all good news!

A close compadre and I set out from SFO in the wee hours of last Thursday morn for grey and monotonous Mississauga, Ontario. The little corner we inhabited for close […]

Sent out the first Red Asteroid newsletter yesterday morning, to everyone who ever signed up for BM. Resulted in a nice 20 players boost, hopefully some will stick around! Here’s […]

EGLX Prep, Overworld Powering Up!

It’s been a busy week but my EGLX presentation is approaching content completeness. Now I just have to pretty it up and memorize it (which may well take another week). […]

I am officially an evil spammer! Well, the intent is there. I created a Mail Chimp account, and dumped in the whole list of Battle Mines signups (about 1.6k). I believe […]