
Added the spikes stat, which causes attackers to receive damage. The cactus is immobile but spikey. Added the slow stat, which causes a beast to take only the first of […]

Fixed up compasses and their creation across the board. Changed their storage hash to unique keys rather than colours. Separated out the calculation of cardinality from the edge shading that shows […]

Refactored  the minotaur cave into a full fledged labyrinth quest. Subquests include find the treasure, save the princess, and kill the minotaur. Letter quest got some remodelling. It now precalculates […]

Wrote a rather complex function to find empty spawn points on a map for a circular area, given a point that should spawn on the circle’s rim. It caches and tries […]

Creatures can now spawn other creatures. Spawning has been generalized to filter on status (hidden), locale (hero adjacent), pattern (of attacking and spawning), and other parameters. Wolves can spawn other […]

Added a two new items and three new souls. The scythe fills a niche in the current weapons. It’s basically becoming the axe (damaging cleave), which is becoming the mace […]

There’s now a village with a monster in the center. This is the “Godzilla” quest. Godzilla is currently a wolf, but this could scale up with difficulty. The monster gets […]

Put the game in a more realistic play mode, where creatures do full damage and terrain defenses are in effect, some other minor changes. This was for a modest play […]

Started on a new type of quest, this one I’m calling “regional”, because it takes up significant area on an open world map. Walking due south of the origin you’ll […]