
Year's Transition Update

I’m laid up with a nightmarish holiday affliction, some kind of gastrointestinal barf-fest that seemingly comes and goes as it pleases. But since it’s currently in remission I thought I’d […]

Orc Race Is Best Race

The orc has a tough late game, because everything wants to murder him. My latest character was doing pretty well with an axe, chainmail, and heavy boots. I turned down […]

Emergent Orcs and Trolls

So I’ve been working away on the character system for Overworld, 10 new classes and races to play from including the barbarian, wizard, and halfling. There’s a lot to talk […]

Done in by greed

I was completing my third quest, the letter quest for the boyfriend. I’d just found armour and everything was going great. Went into a shop carrying a fishing rod, awesome! […]

Adorable dev tales

So I spent a good 30 seconds mulling whether to engage a sleeping bear I found in a cave. Finally I figured I could kill him in 4 hits of […]

Back from EGLX, all good news!

A close compadre and I set out from SFO in the wee hours of last Thursday morn for grey and monotonous Mississauga, Ontario. The little corner we inhabited for close […]

Seems like every time I sit down, I notice wacky behaviour. One group of bugs comes up from me treating objects in javascript like associative arrays in php. I keep […]

Put the game in a more realistic play mode, where creatures do full damage and terrain defenses are in effect, some other minor changes. This was for a modest play […]