Private Alpha

Well, tonight’s the night. I just sent the invitation emails, soon a couple dozen folks will be moseying over to see what I’ve been up to for a couple of […]

Done in by greed

I was completing my third quest, the letter quest for the boyfriend. I’d just found armour and everything was going great. Went into a shop carrying a fishing rod, awesome! […]

Curse of the monkey!

Just had to post this screen shot of a damn monkey that stole the scroll I had to deliver for my quest, climbed up a mountain, then was slain by […]

What if there was a new Ramul haggle level: Stroppy, or something. He would choose inventory objects one at a time like Picky, but only take from whole categories, either […]

Barbarian Assault and the Great Paper Schism

Funny stuff is always happening in Overworld. Sometimes it’s unamusing funny stuff, like the one movement pattern that almost never occurs but introduces unrecoverable errors in the graphical world model. […]

So I started out deciding to flesh out huts as part of my “fun arc”. (The fun arc has included some new items, changes in caves, total item rebalancing, and […]

Finally got WordPress up and running again, ugh. Probably shot my new installation full of security holes getting it to work, and it’s not 100% yet because I had to […]

9/13/2016 in the middle of the best game: got a mace at level 4, interesting and powerful crowd-dealer, but always trying to escape forests etc. read a scroll of ice […]

Major UI Progress, Alpha Plans

Hey wide world, I’ve been just ridiculo-busy with what have you, but here I am to tell you the Overworld haps. I’m rounding out an extremely prolonged graphical development arc […]


I made a full gif loop of Juanito’s fabled city, behold!