

I made a full gif loop of Juanito’s fabled city, behold!

Here’s a sample of what I get: When you start from the folder of the XP era, it does not start. Industry employment structure in January 2015 is the agriculture, […]

Adorable dev tales

So I spent a good 30 seconds mulling whether to engage a sleeping bear I found in a cave. Finally I figured I could kill him in 4 hits of […]

The hat, fan, bone, wood and metal shields. They are lots of fun. I’m going to do some rebalancing on all items, to make them tempting and versatile for the […]

Life continues to be crazy. I am getting a lot more done at work these days, but lots is going on in Overworldia too. My daughter Venus is growing up […]

Tweening Deep Delve

Hi friends, I’ve been nose deep in day, night, and family work. On the Overworld front, it’s mostly graphical work. Stuff that might be easy for a client engineer is […]

* walked into a shop in the underworld, and there was a bull in the main concourse!
I moved and it disappeared immediately. Odd though.

I won with magic carpet + plate mail + axe. I got there with a net, and heavy shop use just for food and whatnot.

It’s feeling REALLY balanced, so much that I’m worried to upset the balance with the new items planned: fan, bone, and hat!

also possibly light and heavy shield, though I am worried about those being totally OP šŸ˜› 1

Here’s me having a one-way chat with Jeremy as I work through animation bugs. Just a glimpse into the programmer’s mind, and the stream of consciousness Jeremy will have to […]

Animated Bugs

I’ve spent my free time for about 3 nights now tracking down one animation bug. Sometimes, butterflies would stop flapping their wings. Butterflies are not supposed to do that, flying […]

Things have been crazy at the office since I got back, pretty much in crunch modeĀ for our title while I can as of recently reveal is a mobile version of […]